was the fact that I get to meet really cool people.
To be completely honest…I have never been one of those people who would say,
‘I love meeting new people.’
I didn’t.
I liked my inner circle of very close friends, hanging with my family
and really who has time these days to make new friends?
It all changed though when I started my photography business.
I was given the most wonderful opportunity to deal with people on one of the most happiest days of their lives.
Complete strangers let me into their world. They let down their guard so I can see their relationship with the love of their life and those around them authentically.
I couldn’t help but be a little bit addicted to falling in love with each of my clients and their love stories. It became personal.
I loved Amanda from the moment I met her. She is wonderfully vivacious and has a heart of gold –
which I’m sure was what appealed to Frank since he is starting his cardiology fellowship and is passionate about hearts. ; )
Frank’s wit and sharp sense of humor had Amanda throwing her head back numerous times in a fit of giggles. This makes me happy.
They laugh in unison and in between the words there was always a sense of playfulness between them. It wasn’t only a love that could be seen, it could be felt.
It pretty much goes without saying that Amanda put her heart in good hands (pun intended).
I think Helen Keller sums it up wonderfully. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
I agree…wholeheartedly.
Here is hoping that when it comes to the ways of the heart, love is as much the symptom, as the cure.
I have found a few new spots to photograph in recently which is always fun for me…
I wanted to take that luscious piece of wood home. Loved it!
A quick snuggle…
See?! You could almost feel the moment yourself, right?!
I’m smitten, I tell you.
How lucky am I?
They even do serious. For like a second.
Ha! Love…
We came upon this lovely little spot…
A little bit of symmetry…
Oooooh Frank and Amanda, I adore you guys.
I loved spending time with you both and I can’t wait for your big day at Flowerfield’s!